Recent publications

Driving the green transition through procurement

The supply chain, which can account for up to 90% of companies’ environmental impacts, is a source of acceleration of their green transition and a new area to explore while under increasing regulatory pressure. Taking environmental performance into account alongside quality, costs and deadlines for a transformation of procurement in terms of organisation, processes and tools as well as relationship with suppliers.

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How to embark your company upon its climate change adaptation journey?

The aim of this guide is to help companies tackle the issue of adapting to climate change, an essential step in guaranteeing the sustainability and continuity of their activities. The examples of 30 French companies show that it is possible to embark on an adaptation process, whatever the size or sector of activity. This publication presents examples of adaptation actions, assessment approaches, strategy development and monitoring and evaluation processes, rooted in the real-time experience of the sample companies.

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Improving indoor air quality

Indoor air quality (IAQ) has become a public health issue over the last twenty years, with growing concern for people, the scientific community, public authorities and businesses, especially since the Covid-19 epidemic. In recent years, nearly forty large member companies of the Association française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) have collaboratively shared their experience within the framework of the Health & Environment Commission. This publication serves as an update on the knowledge gained and the work carried out by this Committee as well as member companies to improve indoor air quality.

2030 Milestone for the Ecological Transition

For the first time, large French companies are sharing some common convictions on ecological transition and publicly proposing a collective course and action priorities.

« ETE 2030 – Étape 2030 de la Transition Écologique » (“2030 Milestone for the Ecological Transition”) by Entreprises pour l’Environnement, offers a global view of the actions required to put France on a credible ecological transition trajectory by 2030, in line with French and European commitments on climate and biodiversity, and with the “Ecological Planning” policy led by the French government.

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Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE), created in 1992, gathers some 60 French and international large companies from all sectors of the economy, committed to the ecological transition.

Its purpose, a single planet and a thriving world, sums up the will of its members to lead their own ecological transition and that of society and to build, together and with their stakeholders, an economic development compatible with the planetary boundaries, socially accepted and even desired.

The association is the French partner of the WBCSD.


Commissions and Working Groups

Presentation Commissions 2022 - VA


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